Aliens found in Russia after a UFO crashed in 1969


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Subido por el 03/08/2011

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  • I could watch all the alien n UFO videos in the world but ill always have that doubt until I see it for myself right infront of me :-\

  • Ok first, this is an WHOLE nother being, 1000th times different from humans, they are VERY smart and can do anything that comes to mind, so of course there body tissue and organs would be 1000th times different from humans, so when you look at this being, it should be different from us, just because we are here doesnt mean they couldnt be, there are BILLIONS of galaxies and TRILLIONS of planets, why in the hell would we be the only beings in this UNIVERSE! think about it before you go stupid....

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  • yes but will it blend?

  • i wonder why i can't find a video with aliens looking exacly the same lmao

  • lmfao you have been researching aliens lmfao

    is youtube part of your research?

    you're better off watching E.T.

  • damn its cecil


  • Dude when you die your heart stops pumping blood ok and then your blood thats left in your body drys up into ur organs and such then there no more blood thats the way all the bones and tissue are all red and look soft and squishy lol im 13 and i know this ive been reseaching on aliens a while now :D !!!!

  • OK? O_____O WEIRDD

  • I'd like to think its real but the autopsy part of the vid is really looking creature but usually when u cut into flesh, human, animal, living being...they usually bleed. I didn't see a single drop of blood from that creature after it been butchered...makes me believe that this vid is a big fake!

  • I wanna c sum alien tits!

  • um....


  • Almost had me film a little too new or modern and the harbor freight rubber handled needle nose pliers your gonna have to do better then that sorry nice try though.

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